
(Fall) in Love LookBook

Hey guys, so in the next couple of weeks I'm going to post three different looks using very similar outfits, I'm showing you guys how to make simple date night outfits, work outfits, and outfits for class. I'm in a really good mood lately here in London and doing many events with other youtubers and meeting new people. I hope you guys enjoy these next couple of weeks. 

Also had to be honest with you guys about London. So sometimes I suffer from depression, not the kind where I can't function forever, but the kind that sometimes makes me want to stay inside for about 2-3 days. It could also make me feel like I am a burden or that I am not wanted in places (reasons my middle school life) So I'm staying with the most amazing person I met in Korea. She was lovely enough to let me stay with her in her room without having to pay rent or anything. Sometimes, however, I did get the feeling of not belonging or that I wasn't wanted and it made me sad to be honest. It made me not want to do anything and just curl into a ball. So we are not all perfect guys and traveling can be tough sometimes
lovesharox.com (Photo Cred)



  1. I can totally relate to this post. Love your outfit๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Thank You babes. Sometime you gotta write it all down



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